Using Bitmoji on Snapchat

If you guys have ever went to school around the 2000's you probably enjoyed those Computer Lab periods where the teacher got lazy and assigned your class to use Bit strips. Or am I the only one?...
Bitmoji,Snapchat,Update,Bitstrips,Digital Dina,Tech News,Tech blog

Well, Snapchat is bringing it back with Bitmojis that you can use by connecting your Bitstrips account to your Snapchat to add your character to your snaps. My favourite part is making them sit on things and do fun stuff like that.
Bitmoji,Snapchat,Update,Bitstrips,Digital Dina,Tech News,Tech blog

We all already knew about the bitmoji app, but now they've partnered up with Snapchat making it more accessable and fun to use!

NOTE: So sorry for being extremely inactive but PROMISE I have like 10 posts coming up. It's summer and I'm off school so I'll be posting weekly, if not TWICE a week so stay tuned and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1100 VIEWS LOVE YOU GUYS! If any of you want me to blog or talk about something on here please leave a comment and I'll totally do a post about it:) BYE♥

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