What's on my Phone? Samsung Galaxy S6 Android Phone Review & Apps I use

What's on My Samsung Galaxy S3? Apps I use, and REVIEW

        I already know what you're thinking. "Seriously Dina. A Samsung Galaxy s3?" but let me explain. Soon enough, I'll be upgrading to the iPhone 7. I really wanted to do this type of post for you guys so I'm just going to work with what I've got. PAUSE! Keep reading and comment below because I'm doing a subscribe spree if you sub back! 💕


         First off, on my home screen, I have Snapchat, Instagram, We Heartit, Pinterest, Blogger on mobile, Youtube, Musical.ly, Tumblr, Twitter,VSCO cam (I'll be doing a tutorial on how to get a nice Instagram feed using VSCO cam by next week so stay tuned!) and other random apps. My Snapchat is private but I'll list my usernames and all my social media other than that at the very bottom of this post 💖

      Honestly, the Samsung Galaxy s3 does the job pretty well for now. The operating system and processor are enough to get all the new Snapchat and Instagram updates so I'm not missing out but the problem is that the processor is quiet slow. Again, I don't blame samsung, obviously it's the old phone trying to keep up with the new updates😂


                             Just click the icons 💕


     I'll be posting a tumblr tutorial, instgram theme tutorial and book review pretty soon so let me know in the comments if that's something you guys are excited for and tell me if I should start doing YouTube maybe? Leave your blog address because I'd love to check it out and comment! BYEEE😘😘

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