Why I'm choosing WordPress over Blogger now
image source: google images
As you guys have probably realized by now, I have decided to switch to WordPress. To make my blog more successful and really easy to find so that I have great readers (like you!) I need a platform that's going to give me an easier way to plug in SEO. (Search Engine Optimization)
image source: google images
Search Engine Optimization is basically the number one way people are guided into your blogs. Most of you guys have probably found me out from my social medias since SEO on Blogger basically consists on three things.
-Your existing amount of traffic
-Whether or not you use ads
-Your Keyword Ranking
-and your tags
image source: http://www.blogtyrant.com/
Which isn't very helpful if you are aiming for people to find your blog easily. Which is why your blog isn't showing up on google. Now this all sounds like someone that just wants to be super famous and well-known online so they're going through all this trouble when it's not. Gaining traffic means that more and more people are benefiting or enjoying your blog. Which means that the great content you are creating isn't going to waste.
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WordPress for a month and see how that will go. I promise you thought that I will post regularly (As I always do) on both blogs. The contest now is which one will gain more traffic the fastest. For blogger, I plugged in the above things (except for ads because those are annoying and I don't care about being paid) as much as I can and I will do the same for WordPress. I will also post, in about a month, the results and which one I would recommend. Till then!
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Check out my WordPress Version of Digital Dina
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