Keurig K50 Review, Specs, and How I get my cup of coffee for 35 cents CAD... CHEAP K-CUP HACKS

Keurig K50 Review, Specs, and How I get my cup of coffee for 35 cents CAD... CHEAP K-CUP HACKS

Coffee, who lives in the Americas and DOESN'T have a cup a day? lol me because I'm a tea person. Which is WHY the Keurig K50 is perfect for a variety of people. Hot coco lovers, coffee lovers, tea lovers and even ICED TEA???

The K50 gives you three choices of cup/ mug sizes in the form of buttons on the right side facing you while you are making your beverage. I love this since you have so many choices that you don't haveto adjust manually, you just put any old cup and choose from the sizes and it won't let you down. In case, which it won't, the keurig gets the wrong amount of water, you can stop or add water using the other buttons at any time.

Although if you're switching types of beverages you should clean it, the big eater container allows you to make back to back to back cups of whatever you like without refilling or cleaning for a while which is great because......

Overall I give it a 4.8/5 just because getting little cups is kind of expensive WHICH IS WHERE MY HACKS COME IN! 

  1. You can make normal coffee using little coffee filters (cheaper online, check out
  2. K-cups are cheaper online
  3. Register your keurig maker at to receive offers and free starter variety packs
That's all I have for you guys for today! Hope you enjoyed the post and I'm extremely sorry for not posting a lot I've just had a lot of stuff going on especially with my exams coming up so I apologize if I don't post regularly but stay tuned because I will continue to soon as things start to tidy themselves up in my life. Love you digital divas 💖💖

Google's Pixel Phone: Boom or Bust?

Google's Pixel Phone: Boom or Bust?

With all the hype about Google's "BEST CAMERA ON A SMARTPHONE" it's got me thinking, is this going to be like the new Sony Xperia?

The specs, however, are promising. (I'm talking about just the pixel not the XL BTW) It comes with a 5-inch screen and a 441 ppi as it's pixel density. Comes with the new Android 7.1 in it's purest form (which is especially what app developer nerds like me are excited for since anyone with the pixel will receive the newest updates )

As for the camera specs, it has a 12mp camera (pretty impressive for a smartphone *cough*exactly like the iphone*cough*) making it one of the top android phone's in terms of cameras. However, it does cost a lot more than your usual android phone and that's mainly because of the amazing features and design that it includes. Personally, it's totally worth it. I mean just look at those CURVES.

Bye Bye Samsung Galaxy Note 7, You will be Missed :(

Bye Bye Samsung Galaxy Note 7, You will be Missed :(

And now, a moment of silence for the phone that is likely to cause a loss of 5.3 billion dollars (according to the Toronto Star's article) by 2017 for Samsung.

Samsung has now announced that they have ceased all production of the Galaxy Note 7 after more than a handful of phones have caught fire, exploded, or done both. It's so bad that the Royal Mail refuses to return them. This causes 10,000 or so UK residents to be unable to dispose of them properly.

To help, Samsung has said that it will expand its sale on the next two smartphones that will be released this spring. The Samsung Galaxy S7 edge and the Samsung Galaxy S7. That's it for today guys but if you do happen to have a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 that's working fine, I would recommend returning it. It might be ok but at any given moment it might catch fire and explore which can cause serious injuries. Stay safe out there <3

Is Snapchat being Cloned AGAIN?! Not this again... Messenger Day

Is Snapchat being Cloned AGAIN?! Not this again... Messenger Day

It's no surprise that with Snapchat's success inthe last two years after a bit of a rocky start for the first two years, everyone wants a piece of the secret pie allowing SNapchat to gain $860 million dollars by mid-July 2013.

In Poland, Facebook has recently launched Messenger Day. They specifically launched it in Poland as Snapchat isn't as popular there and were wanting to test it out. I mean come on Mark, we were OK with the whole Instagram Stories but even this logo pushed it too far.

It's the same old story. You can draw on the pictures except to replace the geo-filters, there's feelings and "Who's up for" stickers. Which seems pretty lame to me because if I'm not using the bit of text to write whats up, then why bother?  and COME ON, TELL ME THAT THEY DIDN'T STEAL THE LOGO?!

Well I guess if you can't buy 'em, be 'em 


POKEMON GO PLUS! What it is, is it worth it and more!

POKEMON GO PLUS! What it is, is it worth it and more!

What if you could catch 'em all without even taking out your phone??

The new Pokemon GO Plus is a way for trainers to catch Pokemon using the GO. TO use it, all you have to do is open the app on your phone, tap settings, and you'll find the "Pokemon GO Plus " menu item, tap the button on the Plus and then tap the notification on the app.

The coolest part is that same button will change colors depending on what it's picking up (Blue for Pokestop,Yellow for a new Pokemon, and green for Pokemon you've already encountered.) If you click it while it's Blue, you collect the Pokestop items. If it's Yellow, it attempts to catch Pokemon (FOR YOU) Although if you don't succeed in catching the Pokemon on the Plus, you need to open up the app to attempt to catch it again. (Well at least you'll get tons of Rattata candy:)

That's it for today's post! Hope you guys enjoyed more of my posts on my little corner of the internet and all see you next post! Bye <3

iPhone , This is 7 (Specs,and Features!)

iPhone , This is 7 (Specs,and Features!)

The new iPhone 7 (with much anticipation) was announced earlier this week and will be available September 16th.

Right away, you notice how shiny the new iPhone is. Like, iPhone 4 shiny.

iPhone 7, Plus,waterproof,apple,2016,dual camera,announcement,specs,blog

Waterproof, two editions (iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus) with the iPhone 7 plus having dual cameras, it's pretty much what we expected.
iPhone 7,Plus,dual camera,wide angles,telephoto

And we saw the wireless earbuds coming too.
iphone 7,wireless earbuds,apple,2016

So all in all, my and many other people's predictions ended up being pretty accurate, which is exactly why I feel that the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus isn't going as far as the other iPhones. Samsung and Android's starting to hit a peak since people are becoming bored of upgrading every 2 years to keep up with apple. And the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus (I feel) dragged that on for way too long. Anyways, tell me what you guys think of this in the comments and what articles I should write next! Bye!!!

Will Snapchat be one of those pesky Stock apps on the iPhone 7?

Will Snapchat be one of those pesky Stock apps on the iPhone 7?

We've heard of it before. Apple trying to make a social media app (*cough*PING*cough*)

Ping,Apple,Social Media,Music,Itunes

However, this time they're thinking bigger. I mean,what's more far fetched than making a Snapchat dupe? Everyone's been doing it!(*cough*INSTAGRAM*cough*) And I feel like it's beginning to get too much trying to keep up with my IG stories and my Snapchat ones even though Snapchat will always be the OG.

Enough of the memes though. It was reported to Bloomberg that you should be able to record video
(but not take photos) and add filters and drawings. I really need to stress that this all isn't confirmed but rumors are fun soooo...

The reason they're pressing to do something so spontaneous is probably because for the first time in a really long time, iPhones having been selling like they used to. Which means make way for Android!

That's it for today guys! Let me know in the comments below if  you're on team Android or Apple!

On the Shores of Darkness, There is Light by Cordelia Strube Review, Rating, and Storyline

On the Shores of Darkness, There is Light by Cordelia Strube Review, Rating, and Storyline

Book: On the Shores of Darkness, There is Light
Author: Cordelia Strube
Published: April, 1, 2016 (recent!)
Rating: 5 stars
Age Group: Young Adult Fiction
Series? : Nope!
Spoiler Free? : Yes!! YAYY

On the Shores of Darkness there is light, Cordelia Strube, Book review, Book critic, book blog, Digital Dina

A long title but a beautiful one neverless! Now just a warning before I go on to those of you who are a little bit on the sensitive side I don't recommend this book but if you're up for cuddling up and grabbing some ice cream and kleenex once in a while, this one's for you.

Now I know rating a book 5 stars is a little extreme but a great book shouldn't be defined by it's genre. For the type of book that it is, OTSODTIL is really good! (again, the title is a bit of a hand sore to type


The main protagonist is Harriet. A young 11 year old girl that lived in the GTA (ayeeee) with a troubled mind. Now, she wasn't always this troubled. Before her disabled brother, Irwin, came along. She used to be a normal kid, going to Canada Wonderland every summer, hanging out with her friends and her Mom and Dad until things started to go downhill. Once  her mother had her brother, Irwin, things changed. Because of his disability, his mom was always with him in the hospitals and taking care of him to the point where Harriet started to think that her injures were non-significant to those of her brother.(Specifically speaking, her brother would get seizures and had an abnormally sized head.)

Through the good times (Before Irwin) and the bad times (after Irwin) she was a great artist. Before Irwin was born, Harriet and her Mom would always go to the craft's store together to grab her mixed-media and art supplies. But after Irwin was born, you can only imagine what kind of stuff she started to paint. She loved her brother truly and it wasn't like she'd do  anything to get rid of him it's just that her faimly got ripped apart as soon as he came along and getting another sibling and having to share your parents is hard enough.

Now that Harriet was getting troubled because of her loss of time with her mother and her Mom and Dad splitting up (It was too much stress and work for the Dad and Mom to try and be a happy couple under the circumstances), her paintings became more troubling. Her mother started to tell her how awful she was because shes painting such grousome things.

 The book is split in two. Part one is about Harriet and Part Two is about Irwin.


Part two is about Irwin at age 14 trying to deal with the loss of his sister, Harriet (ooopss  she killed herself More on that later). What I loved about the book is that you don't know why the author got inspired to write such a story till LITERALLY the last page. 

Harriet committed suicide with the assistance of drug and alcohol use (keep in mind sh'es only 11) She ran out to the balcony and saw angels calling out to her telling her to fly and that she's a good person that never ment to hurt Irwin when she stopped trying to help him during a seizure. She jumped and sadly fell and died but Her heart and other organs were in fine condition to be donated and they were. 

Part two is also about Irwin fighting with the idea weither or not to see whomever had Harriet's heart and in the end he was glad to have met Oliver, an artist with similar work to that of Harriet's and also with her heart.

I loved the twist were it became about organ donation because that's a really interesting topic but I hate when authors make the whole book revolve around it but what Cordelia did is that she ended it with that idea so that the reader looks back at the story of the PERSON who donated then the relative missing them rather than the person just dying and their relative's journey through that without us meeting the dead character.

No Man's Sky - PS4 and PC Release,Storyline, and News

No Man's Sky - PS4 and PC Release,Storyline, and News

No Man's Sky is a beautiful "science-fiction game set in an infinate procedurally generated galaxy." It's like they made it just for me.

I'm seriously going to try to make this post sound like a legit critic review but excuse the moments when I go overboard about how truly amazing this game is. The game includes about...18 QUINTILLION PLANETS. Be honest, you didn't know that was a real number didn't you?

Within the first few hours of playing, players lean to walk around, shoot, mine, craft, and switch from planet to planet using a spacecraft.Most players state that the planets are quiet colorful but don'get your hopes up expecting something along the lines of Star Wars. (I did. Trust me I'm saving you the heartbreak) However, the planets had their own unique and beautiful-in-a-different-kind-of-way look.

In the game, you're sort of an explorer. You get to name planets or animals, harvest and trade resources throughout the galaxy, and fight robo cops. And as every good sci-fi video game does, you get to meet aliens. Lots of them.

From learning a new language to collecting and making etremely exoctic pets and friends, No Man's Sy truly hits the spot for all you die-hard Sci-Fi/Adventure video game lovers and pretty much satisfys your trigger happy moods and your exploring ones. No Man's Sky is a game where it's not an activity, it's an exprerience, and one you can't miss!

Instagram vs Snapchat : Update or Copy?!

Instagram vs Snapchat : Update or Copy?!

"Good artitsts copy, Great artists steal" -Picasso.

Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

If you've been using your Instagram recently, you would've noticed something familiar. WAY too familiar.Instagram's new update that launched just this week features a similar setup to Snapchat in the fact that you can now add stories that disappear after 24 hours and don't appear on your feed.
Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

Honestly, there's a LOT more that I feel like I could do with the Instagram Stories because on Snapchat I have like 54 or so people that actually see my story before they disappear so it would be fun to have a Snapchat story where like 100+ people see it because then it feels more like a Youtube channel which is exactly what I'm using mine for so you can check that out @dinaelhanan . To use this, all you need to do is tap the profile picture of the person you want to see the stories of and you're set!

Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

Also, unlike Snapchat, Instagram has made it's stories MUCH more cleaner and easier to use so that the general public can get full use of it (aka. people over 40  ;)
Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

You can't use any Face-Filters like Snapchat but you can draw using neon colors which look pretty awesome.
Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

Hope you guys enjoyed that post and if you did please comment down below if YOU think that Snapchat is going to do something to defend themselves????? ALSO! I'LL BE POSTING 2 NEW POSTS IN A WEEK SO STAY TUNED and you guys just might be able to see a Youtube video soon. Maybe, maybe not but stay tuned to find out♥☺

iPhone 7 Rumors?! Expectations,Release Date Specs, and New Design!

iPhone 7 Rumors?! Expectations,Release Date Specs, and New Design!

 (make sure to click the title of this article to see the images!)

Seeing a pattern on how apple usually releases their phones, we're expecting an announcement by sometime this fall.

Expectations expectations, but many of them say that we might not see the 16gb model for the iPhone 7(7s if there is one) This would be a smart move as, according to GottaBeMobile, you'll run out of space quicker than you can tweet "new phone! So happy I got the new iphone!" as the quality of images and panoramic images will take up so much space.

LetemSvetemApplem think there will be a headphone jack, but most reliable rumors suggest otherwise. I also think there won't be. Especially if they are considering making the phone completely waterproof.

The white antenna line on the back under the camera might disapear which I don't really like unless they're thinking of COMPLETELY changing the design. I mean, wouldn't this be sick? (make sure to click the title of this article to see the images!)

Thanks for reading and let me know in the comments what YOU think we're gonna see this fall (hopefully) for the iPhone 7 and or iPhone 7s!

Using Bitmoji on Snapchat

Using Bitmoji on Snapchat

If you guys have ever went to school around the 2000's you probably enjoyed those Computer Lab periods where the teacher got lazy and assigned your class to use Bit strips. Or am I the only one?...
Bitmoji,Snapchat,Update,Bitstrips,Digital Dina,Tech News,Tech blog

Well, Snapchat is bringing it back with Bitmojis that you can use by connecting your Bitstrips account to your Snapchat to add your character to your snaps. My favourite part is making them sit on things and do fun stuff like that.
Bitmoji,Snapchat,Update,Bitstrips,Digital Dina,Tech News,Tech blog

We all already knew about the bitmoji app, but now they've partnered up with Snapchat making it more accessable and fun to use!

NOTE: So sorry for being extremely inactive but PROMISE I have like 10 posts coming up. It's summer and I'm off school so I'll be posting weekly, if not TWICE a week so stay tuned and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1100 VIEWS LOVE YOU GUYS! If any of you want me to blog or talk about something on here please leave a comment and I'll totally do a post about it:) BYE♥

Pokemon GO! What's all the Hype About and Why You Can't get it in UK,Canada ,and Europe's App and Play Store.

Pokemon GO! What's all the Hype About and Why You Can't get it in UK,Canada ,and Europe's App and Play Store.


If you haven't already heard about Pokemon GO! I have one question for you. Have you been living under a Dwayne Johnson?

Dwayne Johnson,the rock,gifs,funnny,sassy,Pokemon GO!,tech blog,post

Pokemon GO! is basically an augmented reality game where you walk around your town/city/county/whatever and point you camera at anywhere from Malls to behind chairs looking for little Pokemon to collect.  

Pokemon GO!,gameplay,augmented reality

However, if you've tried downloading it in Canada, the UK or Europe in the App or Google Play Store, you probably got something like this.
Pokemon GO!,augmented reality,Android Central,tech blog,post

I saw that on my Samsung and was like "WHAAAA BUT I REALLY WANTED TO POST A BLOG POST ON ME PLAYING IT" so yes I'm disappointed! According to a statement given by developer Niantic Lab to Business Insider, there's been so much interest from our areas that they had to "pause" the international rollout so as to not overload it's servers.

So, in order to get it here, we have to be less "interested"?!

That's honestly how I feel about this whole situation. What I think they should've done is "rollout" Pokemon GO! to our region FIRST since we have so much interest THEN release it to less interested countries. It's a win-win. More people are satisfied AND they gain way more money. That is, if the statement given was even true....

Spooky,gif,tumblr,tech blog,post,Pokemon GO!

Comment below what YOU think....

Snapchat's New Updated Feature! Memories!

Snapchat's New Updated Feature! Memories!

Today, Snapchat decided to update, again. Question is, will you love it or hate it?
Snapchat, Update, Memories, Tech News, Digital Dina,gif, Introducing Memories

It's not a drastic change in design, layout or usability. The new feature, Memories, is  basically just a smart camera roll right on your Snapchat.

User will also be able to add a pictures they just took using Snapchat to memories so that they can see it later.
Snapchat, Update, Memories, Tech News, Digital Dina,gif, Introducing Memories, save to memories

Memories is private and if you're logged in, only you can see those pictures. However, if your friend's using your phone or scrolling through your Memories and you don't want them to see a certain picture, you can put that picture  in the "My Eyes Only" folder!
Snapchat, Update, Memories, Tech News, Digital Dina,gif, Introducing Memories

My favorite part of this feature is that you can save Snapchat clips, then edit and share them later.
Snapchat, Update, Memories, Tech News, Digital Dina,gif, Introducing Memories

To find a specific picture in your Memories, you can type "dog" or "Jessica" (Your friend's name if it is included or written somewhere in the snap) and pictures realting to that keyword will popup.
Snapchat, Update, Memories, Tech News, Digital Dina,gif, Introducing Memories

This will be in effect sometime next month, stay tuned and wait for that message from Team Snapchat telling you that you can start using Memories!

HP Spectre Laptop : The World's Thinnest (and Most Beautiful) Laptop + Comparison

HP Spectre Laptop : The World's Thinnest (and Most Beautiful) Laptop + Comparison

The Macbook Air is now getting pushed aside by HP's newest laptop, Spectre.

HP Spectre, Copper, Thinnest Laptop in the World, best laptop in the world, digital dina,

Featuring a beautiful design and a shocking 10.4mm thickness (more like thinness) this laptop DEFINITELY gives the Macbook Air a run for it's money.

Specs wise, here's the Macbook Air against the Spectre in terms of specs
Macbook Air:                                                                 Spectre:                                            
Weight: 2lb                                                                                                    2.45lb                                                                                
Thickness: 13.1mm                                                                            10.4mm
12-inch Retina Display                                                 13.3" diagonal FHD IPS 10 hour Battery 2304 x 1440 resolution                                                                                           Life                                                                                                                                             BrightViewCorning® Gorilla® Glass WLED-backlit 
10 hour Battery Life                                                          9hours 45 minutes Battery Life
8gb of onboard memory                                                            (1920 x 1080)
 1 USB-C port                                                                                         8gb

480 p camera 
3.5 mm headphone jack                                                     windows 10 pro 64 or windows 10 home 64
operating system: OS X EL CAPITAN

Google Daydream : The mobile Virtual Reality that you Can Interact With

Google Daydream : The mobile Virtual Reality that you Can Interact With

Google daydream was first announced at Google IO 2016 (May 18-20)
Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016

I know what most people that know about the Google Cardboard are saying right now. "Ugh another laggy, non-interactive mobile Virtual Reality?" However, the new Google Daydream is an interactive, quick responding and approachable Mobile Virtual Reality Platform.The new Google Daydream will be able this fall. There will be a controller and a Headset.

Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016, google daydream headset, google daydream remote

To me, the controller looks like a TV remote. But there's so much more to it than meets the eye. The controller can be used to point at things and also had a touchpad which will make for super interactive and fun games. Speaking of, the apps that you can use on the VR will be ON THE VR. By that I mean that there will be a home screen using the VR.
Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016, google daydream homescreen

What I'm ecxited about is the list of cool news, movies, and sports games companies that they're working with to give us an experience where we're AT the game or the news talk.
Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016, netflix on VR, NBA on VR, Hulu on VR, New York Times on VR, HBO NOW on VR, IMAX on Vr, vr MOVIES

Google apps are also going to be coming to daydream, here's a few that were mentioned:
-Google movies
-Google street view

*walking through paris without the expensive and long plane ride? Count me in!*



You can actually watch music videos, beauty tips and events just like you're there! You can also watch any old non-VR video on Youtube.

Are you excited? Cause I sure am! If you are and if you're thinking of getting it this fall, leave a comment down below !