The death of, The Website That Let You Know How Cool You Are

The death of, The Website That Let You Know How Cool You Are

Klout was known for being a valuable Artifical Intellegence (AI) and Machine Learning tool that would let you now how much 'Klout' you had (aka. how cool you were) based on your social media. Most notably, twitter.

On May 25, 2018, Lithium, a Social Media software for "Community [Social Media] management" and "Social Support" has acquired Klout because of it's valuable AI capabilities. They decided that Klout is not "aligned with [their] long-term business strategy". Which sucks because it was such a cool niche app that many people enjoyed. What's even sadder is that it shut down without the knowledge of a lot of people, which is one of the main reasons I and many others like The Guardian and Entrepreneur wanted to write about it.

So the way Klout worked was that the higher your Klout score, the more social media influence you have (based on engagement, followers, fan pages, etc) The average score was 40, 50+ is considered really good and 63 being the top 5% of all users. Justin Bieber was the only person with a perfect 100 Klout score.

And although we are upset to see you go, Klout, there are still other alternatives that we can turn to. However, these tend to be very ~analytical~ and buissness oriented, which shows why Klout was unique, it was simple and accessible to everyday people trying to be cool :/ :D Other ones to use are TwentyFeet, Sprout Social, CrowdBooster ($ paid) But no-one can replace you, oh No-one.