Bloggers, Listen Up: The 3 New Pinterest Tools to Up Your Social Media Presence

Bloggers, Listen Up: The 3 New Pinterest Tools to Up Your Social Media Presence

On Feb.8 , Pinterest come out with 3 new products in the works to keep Pinterest the best way to find, view and share images and what's specifically in them. Being a social media junkie, I'm getting extremely excited to find out when this is going to become reality.

“Early information technology used words to connect ideas, like hyperlinks,”  said Evan Sharp, co-founder and chief product officer . “Search engines we built today have drafted on that, they rely on words to get you answers to your questions. But when it comes to searching for ideas, words aren’t the right way. Sometimes you don’t really know what you’re looking for until you see it.”

The gist of what Evan was saying is basically, trying to find things using words isn't as helpful as seeing the actual object. 

The first and arguably the most important feature is the Lens feature. The Pinterest Lens takes a picture you already in your camera roll and "looks up" the image on Pinterest. The cool thing is it doesn't look up by color, it looks it up by the actual object in the image. (shoes, for example)

The next one is pretty smart for bloggers, small businesses and Pinterest themselves! Their other product is where you can isolate different parts of an image into other images. (for example, an outfit picture with separate articles of clothings) this makes it extremely easy for Pinterest to add promoted products within pre-existing popular content. The different parts of an image are indicated by a simple sleek circle on each part.

The next is the simpilest and the most expected but useful tool. Pinterest will have a small circle where you can click it and discover similar products. The hope is that you build a Pinboard showcasing the items that relate to that products which would likely mean you pin almost somebody else's WHOLE BOARD! 


That's all for today Digital divas xoxox 
