Will Snapchat be one of those pesky Stock apps on the iPhone 7?

Will Snapchat be one of those pesky Stock apps on the iPhone 7?

We've heard of it before. Apple trying to make a social media app (*cough*PING*cough*)

Ping,Apple,Social Media,Music,Itunes

However, this time they're thinking bigger. I mean,what's more far fetched than making a Snapchat dupe? Everyone's been doing it!(*cough*INSTAGRAM*cough*) And I feel like it's beginning to get too much trying to keep up with my IG stories and my Snapchat ones even though Snapchat will always be the OG.

Enough of the memes though. It was reported to Bloomberg that you should be able to record video
(but not take photos) and add filters and drawings. I really need to stress that this all isn't confirmed but rumors are fun soooo...

The reason they're pressing to do something so spontaneous is probably because for the first time in a really long time, iPhones having been selling like they used to. Which means make way for Android!

That's it for today guys! Let me know in the comments below if  you're on team Android or Apple!

On the Shores of Darkness, There is Light by Cordelia Strube Review, Rating, and Storyline

On the Shores of Darkness, There is Light by Cordelia Strube Review, Rating, and Storyline

Book: On the Shores of Darkness, There is Light
Author: Cordelia Strube
Published: April, 1, 2016 (recent!)
Rating: 5 stars
Age Group: Young Adult Fiction
Series? : Nope!
Spoiler Free? : Yes!! YAYY

On the Shores of Darkness there is light, Cordelia Strube, Book review, Book critic, book blog, Digital Dina

A long title but a beautiful one neverless! Now just a warning before I go on to those of you who are a little bit on the sensitive side I don't recommend this book but if you're up for cuddling up and grabbing some ice cream and kleenex once in a while, this one's for you.

Now I know rating a book 5 stars is a little extreme but a great book shouldn't be defined by it's genre. For the type of book that it is, OTSODTIL is really good! (again, the title is a bit of a hand sore to type


The main protagonist is Harriet. A young 11 year old girl that lived in the GTA (ayeeee) with a troubled mind. Now, she wasn't always this troubled. Before her disabled brother, Irwin, came along. She used to be a normal kid, going to Canada Wonderland every summer, hanging out with her friends and her Mom and Dad until things started to go downhill. Once  her mother had her brother, Irwin, things changed. Because of his disability, his mom was always with him in the hospitals and taking care of him to the point where Harriet started to think that her injures were non-significant to those of her brother.(Specifically speaking, her brother would get seizures and had an abnormally sized head.)

Through the good times (Before Irwin) and the bad times (after Irwin) she was a great artist. Before Irwin was born, Harriet and her Mom would always go to the craft's store together to grab her mixed-media and art supplies. But after Irwin was born, you can only imagine what kind of stuff she started to paint. She loved her brother truly and it wasn't like she'd do  anything to get rid of him it's just that her faimly got ripped apart as soon as he came along and getting another sibling and having to share your parents is hard enough.

Now that Harriet was getting troubled because of her loss of time with her mother and her Mom and Dad splitting up (It was too much stress and work for the Dad and Mom to try and be a happy couple under the circumstances), her paintings became more troubling. Her mother started to tell her how awful she was because shes painting such grousome things.

 The book is split in two. Part one is about Harriet and Part Two is about Irwin.


Part two is about Irwin at age 14 trying to deal with the loss of his sister, Harriet (ooopss  she killed herself More on that later). What I loved about the book is that you don't know why the author got inspired to write such a story till LITERALLY the last page. 

Harriet committed suicide with the assistance of drug and alcohol use (keep in mind sh'es only 11) She ran out to the balcony and saw angels calling out to her telling her to fly and that she's a good person that never ment to hurt Irwin when she stopped trying to help him during a seizure. She jumped and sadly fell and died but Her heart and other organs were in fine condition to be donated and they were. 

Part two is also about Irwin fighting with the idea weither or not to see whomever had Harriet's heart and in the end he was glad to have met Oliver, an artist with similar work to that of Harriet's and also with her heart.

I loved the twist were it became about organ donation because that's a really interesting topic but I hate when authors make the whole book revolve around it but what Cordelia did is that she ended it with that idea so that the reader looks back at the story of the PERSON who donated then the relative missing them rather than the person just dying and their relative's journey through that without us meeting the dead character.

No Man's Sky - PS4 and PC Release,Storyline, and News

No Man's Sky - PS4 and PC Release,Storyline, and News

No Man's Sky is a beautiful "science-fiction game set in an infinate procedurally generated galaxy." It's like they made it just for me.

I'm seriously going to try to make this post sound like a legit critic review but excuse the moments when I go overboard about how truly amazing this game is. The game includes about...18 QUINTILLION PLANETS. Be honest, you didn't know that was a real number didn't you?

Within the first few hours of playing, players lean to walk around, shoot, mine, craft, and switch from planet to planet using a spacecraft.Most players state that the planets are quiet colorful but don'get your hopes up expecting something along the lines of Star Wars. (I did. Trust me I'm saving you the heartbreak) However, the planets had their own unique and beautiful-in-a-different-kind-of-way look.

In the game, you're sort of an explorer. You get to name planets or animals, harvest and trade resources throughout the galaxy, and fight robo cops. And as every good sci-fi video game does, you get to meet aliens. Lots of them.

From learning a new language to collecting and making etremely exoctic pets and friends, No Man's Sy truly hits the spot for all you die-hard Sci-Fi/Adventure video game lovers and pretty much satisfys your trigger happy moods and your exploring ones. No Man's Sky is a game where it's not an activity, it's an exprerience, and one you can't miss!

Instagram vs Snapchat : Update or Copy?!

Instagram vs Snapchat : Update or Copy?!

"Good artitsts copy, Great artists steal" -Picasso.

Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

If you've been using your Instagram recently, you would've noticed something familiar. WAY too familiar.Instagram's new update that launched just this week features a similar setup to Snapchat in the fact that you can now add stories that disappear after 24 hours and don't appear on your feed.
Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

Honestly, there's a LOT more that I feel like I could do with the Instagram Stories because on Snapchat I have like 54 or so people that actually see my story before they disappear so it would be fun to have a Snapchat story where like 100+ people see it because then it feels more like a Youtube channel which is exactly what I'm using mine for so you can check that out @dinaelhanan . To use this, all you need to do is tap the profile picture of the person you want to see the stories of and you're set!

Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

Also, unlike Snapchat, Instagram has made it's stories MUCH more cleaner and easier to use so that the general public can get full use of it (aka. people over 40  ;)
Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

You can't use any Face-Filters like Snapchat but you can draw using neon colors which look pretty awesome.
Instagram,Snapchat,Stories,Steal,Copy,Copyright,How to use

Hope you guys enjoyed that post and if you did please comment down below if YOU think that Snapchat is going to do something to defend themselves????? ALSO! I'LL BE POSTING 2 NEW POSTS IN A WEEK SO STAY TUNED and you guys just might be able to see a Youtube video soon. Maybe, maybe not but stay tuned to find out♥☺