Google Daydream : The mobile Virtual Reality that you Can Interact With

Google Daydream : The mobile Virtual Reality that you Can Interact With

Google daydream was first announced at Google IO 2016 (May 18-20)
Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016

I know what most people that know about the Google Cardboard are saying right now. "Ugh another laggy, non-interactive mobile Virtual Reality?" However, the new Google Daydream is an interactive, quick responding and approachable Mobile Virtual Reality Platform.The new Google Daydream will be able this fall. There will be a controller and a Headset.

Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016, google daydream headset, google daydream remote

To me, the controller looks like a TV remote. But there's so much more to it than meets the eye. The controller can be used to point at things and also had a touchpad which will make for super interactive and fun games. Speaking of, the apps that you can use on the VR will be ON THE VR. By that I mean that there will be a home screen using the VR.
Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016, google daydream homescreen

What I'm ecxited about is the list of cool news, movies, and sports games companies that they're working with to give us an experience where we're AT the game or the news talk.
Google Daydream, Mobile Reality, VR, Virtual Reality, Google Cardboard, Google IO 2016, netflix on VR, NBA on VR, Hulu on VR, New York Times on VR, HBO NOW on VR, IMAX on Vr, vr MOVIES

Google apps are also going to be coming to daydream, here's a few that were mentioned:
-Google movies
-Google street view

*walking through paris without the expensive and long plane ride? Count me in!*



You can actually watch music videos, beauty tips and events just like you're there! You can also watch any old non-VR video on Youtube.

Are you excited? Cause I sure am! If you are and if you're thinking of getting it this fall, leave a comment down below !

Netflix's New Logo , Is this really Happening?!

Netflix's New Logo , Is this really Happening?!

Here's the new netflix logo and what you need to know about it.

Netflix new logo 2016

Before you freak out, they aren't changing it's actual logo but its changing its icon . "We are introducing a new element into our branding with an N icon," a spokesperson told The Verge. "The current Netflix logo will still remain."
"The icon will start to be incorporated into our mobile apps along with other product integrations in the near future," Honestly, I don't mind it if it's just for the app's icon.

              So, do you hate or love it? Leave a comment down below!

XBOX ONE S Specs Review and When You can Get Your Own!

XBOX ONE S Specs Review and When You can Get Your Own!

The new Xbox One S was announced just 4 days ago at E3 in Los Angeles. It's expected to come out sometime this August with 2TB s of space. 

xbox one s, xbox one s release date, xbox one s specs, xbox one s with green background

One of the cool features that Microsoft really wanted to express was the new design and size. Not only will it be 40% smaller, it will also feature a white design. Personally, I have both the Xbox One and the Xbox 360. I love the sleek black design of them but the way they incorporated the white into the design is really pleasing to the eye.

xbox one s, xbox one s release date, xbox one s specs, xbox one s 40% smaller

It was told that Xbox One would also have backwards compatibility so it doesn't come as a surprise that this was included in the Xbox One S.

xbox one s, xbox one s release date, xbox one s specs, xbox 350 classic games

The controller was, again, another thing they changed and the changes are things they really should've thought of sooner like textured grip.

xbox one s, xbox one s release date, xbox one s specs, xbox 350 classic games, xbox one s controller

My favorite feature of all is the IR Blaster. The IR Blaster basically allows you to configure your Xbox One S to be able to turn on other devices like your TV and  audio receiver which is really useful.

xbox one s, xbox one s release date, xbox one s specs, xbox 350 classic games, xbox one s controller, xbox one s IR blaster

Overall, I think that the Xbox One S has a lot of things to offer for a minor upgrade and I probably will be buying it as soon as it releases. If you guys want to see a post or video on My Youtube of me unboxing the new Xbox One S (hopefully) , leave a comment down below and I'll definitely look into it!

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none, just click on the picture that will direct you to the respective owner's pages!

The Coolest Phone that Actually Splits in Half! LG G5 and Friends Specs and Overview!

The Coolest Phone that Actually Splits in Half! LG G5 and Friends Specs and Overview!

Have your ever thought about having a phone that literally splits in half so that you can get cool upgrades?

Well, the newest addition to LG's impressive collection of smartphones is the LG G5. Other than the shockingly cool splitting-in-half part, the phone has a lot of other impressive features too. They include:

-A fingerprint touch on the back that allows you to turn the phone on again EVEN IF the phone is shut down or restarted (the phone must still have charge in it however to do so) This is called the always on feature.

And the LG G5 "friends". That's what those cool attachments are called. The above gif was one of 7 cool attachments you can get separately and use with your LG phone. They include:

That's all for my post today Digital Divas! Stayed tuned for some really exciting upcoming posts! 'Till then♥♥

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