Red Queen

Red Queen

Book: Red Queen
Author: Victoria Aveyard
Published: February 10, 2015
Rating: 4.9 stars!
Age Group: Young Adult Fiction
Series? : Yes! First Book
Spoiler Free? : Yes!! YAYY

       This exciting book is DEFINITELY for you old-meets-future book lovers. The story "Red Queen" is based on a future where  there are two different types of human beings, ones with Red Blood, and ones with Silver Blood. Silver Bloods are born with magical or supernatural abilities whereas Red Bloods are regular humans like you and I. However, discrimination has segregated them as slaves and people of less value than them. 
The reason why I said that it's especially for you old-time lovers is because since they think the Red Blood's lives are worth less value than that of the Silver Blood's, they are cast and sent off for the war that is caused by stupid Silver's wanting a metre or so more of land than the other. 

       We then meet our protagonist, Mare Molly Barrow. A simple girl that lives with a family that chooses to accept their "less valuable" lives. To help out, she steals. We later find out how significant this is to the plot but hey, I said no spoilers!

      At this era, the Queen is chosen by selection of the Prince (*cough**cough* The Selection throwback*cough**cough*) and they must be of noble blood (different abilities have different abilities) so that the children are of Silver Blood.

      For reasons we cannot explain, Mare gets the rare opportunity to work at the palace. While the girls are being selected, they had to place themselves in front of  the Prince and show off their talents. A girl by the name of Evangeline shakes the metal boxes that each nobel  and red servant were holding causing Mare to fall and make a shield of lightning. From there, they discovered her power.

I really would love to explain more to you guys but at this point if I do, I'll be spoiling and nobody wants that! Please PLEASE check out the book as you will thank me and if you do, drop a comment down below and let me know how it was, how you feel, etc...

Bye Digital Divas!