New Year, New look - Check out the Latest Version of this Blog

I've decided to take blogging a bit more seriously this year by trying to put out content that's a lot more meaningful, full of quality and thought, and easy to read and enjoy. For all those reasons, I've moved this blog to First post will be up by the end of this month (April 2019) and I know you'll all love it.

Thank you for supporting me so far, I hope I can return the favour this year.

- digitaldina

The latest Korean Trend: Hand Warmer and Phone Charger All in One?

It's wintertime, and if you're one of the people blessed to live in a country where you get cold winters, you know the dilemma of having freezing hands. Whether it's when you're filling your car up with gas, using your phone, or even just walking around, it's a royal pain.
Koreans, however, have found a way around this. Recently, these 'pads' with a plush cloth top and that clip together with a magnetic have been used by people to warm their palm, and did I mention? It also charges your phone while it does this.

 Although gloves that heat using electricity aren't new, these little things you have in your pocket are much cuter, and are a low-tech trend that I find to be a cute gift for the winter time, which is why I thought I might share it. Living in the cold winters that I do, I know how useful something as small and cheap as this can be, so I wanted to spread this! Also, this is definitely not sponsored, although I wish it was :D

Want to buy one yourself? Check this one out on Amazon.